
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I'm back!

I'm back. My wife has finally motivated me to start blogging and making soda again. She recently bought me plenty of ginger root for me to grate up for both ginger ale and to try out using a ginger-bug to carbonate my sodas instead of yeast. More posts to follow, along with my Sarsaparilla recipe from last year that I never got to...if I can find it again. Cheers!


  1. I'm glad to see you're back! I've been skulking in your shadowy corner since I got my first carbonator and have been itching for more brews to work with. =)

  2. Glad to have found you today after googling what to do with pears .. lol Look forward to catching up on your blog ... I am in the process of cutting out all processed foods and fizzy manufactured drinks so I am looking forward to some ideas and help for making them at home. We do brew our own wine but would love to know more about carbonating soft drinks. :)

  3. Just read your recipe for Sarsaparilla. Two questions: Have you ever tried it with sarsaparilla root? If you use yeast does it make the soda alcoholic? I thought it would, but in the post you reference letting children drink it. So either it doesn't or you are just a very irresponsible adult :)

    1. My recipe uses dried, chopped sarsaparilla root. the yeast does make the drink slightly alcoholic-but it's hardly worth mentioning. It works out to be about 0.5-1% alcohol.

  4. I look forward to your new posts. I only just found your blog when looking for a homemade Sarsaparilla recipe. I have started brewing beer at home and am looking for some soda for the kids. Your recipes should do nicely!

  5. Thanks for all of the good content. I just started making my own root beer and one of the things that has disappointed me in my result is the alcohol. I know its not supposed to be very much, but I feel like it distracts from the original tastes. Is there any way to mask or minimize that taste? Otherwise, I think I might try looking into building a force carbing system.

  6. Back but not really back. Life gets busy we can all understand that. Great work on your recipes they are some of the best I have found.
