
Friday, August 12, 2011

Homemade Cinnamon-Cherry Fizz Follow Up the Second.

After a few days in the fridge I can give an honest assessment of my latest odd experiment. It's very cinnamony. It's really delicious, but it feels like it's missing something. It's completely absent of cherry flavor-I was a little surprised by this as it was quite strong in the initial brew before bottling, but it faded after the yeast took hold. Which is a bit odd, because usually aging helps bring out all the flavors of the ingredients.
Next time around I will need to use cherry juice. Failing that I'll be using a lot more almond extract, and I think some raisins and citric acid will add a nice touch to final product.
There is one thing I believe this soda will excel in, however, and that's when it's mixed with a scoop or two of ice cream-vanilla might be best, but I'm sure it would give a nice flavor with chocolate for all of you chocolate lovers out there.
The fun thing about experimenting with your own homemade soda is learning about new flavor possibilities you would have otherwise never discovered. I was hoping for a very sweet and spicy soda here, and what I got ended up tasting much like cinnamon toast. It's good, mind you, but it's not what I expected. Maybe I should go back and label this as "Cinnamon Fizz", but I think in the interest of consistency I should just leave well enough alone and revisit the idea with the added ingredients.
I have another couple of projects lined up, and look forward to making them this weekend. I should have plenty of time as the fam-damily is heading out on a camping trip sans me.
Click here for the recipe behind this drink
Click here for the first part of the follow up.

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